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You’ve Earned It / YEI

  You’ve Earned It / YEI (,
                          is a digital media platform for South African over-60s. 

YEI’s primary focus is on discounts, savings, benefits and offers for baby boomers, seniors, pensioners and retirees. YEI’s platform (website, newsletter and Facebook page) includes informative and relevant articles, fab competitions and news/views/fun all geared specifically to the senior market.
If you would like to sign up for the FREE You’ve Earned It Newsletter
and become a You’ve Earned It / YEI member, here is the link: -

                               In addition, why not sign up on a YEI WhatsApp group.

               Be one of the first to learn about fabulous pensioner discounts, savings

                                     and other relevant information for SA 60-plussers. 

Meg Clark has recommended the website 'Birdle', a daily quiz game for interested birders. 

 The app is not free, but if you go to the website, there is no charge. 

The website address is


Birdle and Getsetup